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Writer's pictureElizabeth S

Getting stuck in Cancun- dream or nightmare?

This blog post has been almost 700 days in the making. Have you ever had a nightmare where you are stuck somewhere and no matter how hard you try, you cannot get back home? That is the short version of the story. Keep reading if you want to understand why I will never travel abroad again.


We (Kelly and I) had booked a trip to Cancun, before Covid was a thing. Obviously we had to push the trip back and ended up leaving O'Hare January 29, 2021 and were scheduled to come home on February 2. With our travel agents suggestion, at the last minute she changed our resort to a resort called Now Emerald. Don't ever stay there if you are given the opportunity.

Ooff, lots of emotions and stuff coming back with typing this.


Day 1 (January 29)

The trip started off ok. The resort, wasn't the cleanest, but the views were beautiful. The day that we arrived our room wasn't ready, and as a result of that, we had to spend about 6 hours sitting in the lobby of the resort doing nothing. Here is where Kelly says that we need to just get back on the van, go back to the airport and go home. He was 1000% correct. We ended up getting into our room too late to change and make it to any of the restaurants so we just ordered room service.

Day 2 (January 30)

Our first full day there we sat on the beach and just enjoyed the views and relaxed. It was breath taking and if I could relive that day over again I would.

Just watching the birds, listening to the waves and people watching was so rejuvenating. We did meet a nice family from Colorado Springs that we still keep in touch with.

Managed to pick up a few souvenirs and some sea shells to bring home (thankfully). After a full day on the beach we got dressed up to go to dinner. Really all I remember from dinner was that it was not the best, and the "salsa" looked like bird poop.

Day 3 (January 31)

On our way to breakfast an employee of the resort tried to get us to go to a timeshare presentation and we declined. Rough way to start the day, but he was pretty persistent and we continued to decline the offer.

After breakfast and before lunch, we had our appointment with the resort to go get our covid test that we had to have in order to return home. It was a rapid test done by an employee of the resort. Disclaimer, up until this point we had worn masks when required, I am vaccinated, and never did I think or feel that I had covid. We went into a room with chairs and sat and waited our turn. I went first and Kelly followed. Within 15 minutes of them swabbing my nose I was asked to join the concierge in another room. Kelly was not allowed in there with me. I was told that I tested positive for Covid and would have to remain in quarantine, in a room for 14 days in Cancun- alone. Kelly was sent to our room to pack up my bag and give to the staff for me to keep the remainder of my stay. He was on a flight home that afternoon and was not allowed to see me. You know, incase I might give him Covid.

Day 4 (February 1) I got settled in my new room, it had a bed, a window (which didn't open) and a tv and bathroom. I contacted my travel agent the previous day and finally heard back from her. She was really no help. In fact at one point she told me that there was an ocean between Cancun and the US and the only way home was by air. Cool! I know better and my Aunt had agreed to rent a car and drive from St. Louis to the Texas Mexico border to pick me up.

I did document a little bit of this on tiktok, but have not been able to bring myself to watch the videos I posted, let alone the ones I recorded and DIDN'T post. I was convinced that I was going to just disappear, I was in Mexico by MYSELF. No one would have a clue what would happen to me.

Day 5 (February 2)

This is the day that I learned that there was an armed guard outside of my room, just incase I tried to leave. Mid morning, someone with a hazmat suit would knock on the door to my room, wheel a cart in that had my 3 meals on it in a plastic bag. I had to put my garbage on it (double bagged) and push the cart out the door. This was how I would get my meals for the remainder of my stay. I remember someone from housekeeping calling me, asking if I could use some coloring pages and crayons to keep me busy. Which was super nice of them and of course I took them up on it. I was going stir crazy being kept in a room. I felt like a prisoner.

Day 6 & 7 (February 3 & 4)

By now my mental health is going downhill really quick, I wanted to be home. I felt fine and had no symptoms of Covid. The resorts policy was to not give a second test. So I started reading online and trying to find a way to get home before the 14 days. There really isn't much to tell on February 3 and 4th because I was stuck in a room crying, bored out of my mind and so scared.

Day 8 (February 5) I find a hospital in Cancun that will come to the resort and give me a PCR test (a more reliable and accurate test) It would take 48 hours to get results. The nurse came to my room that afternoon and took my credit card information for payment, swabbed my nose and off he went. At 9:13pm I received an email stating that my PCR test came back NEGATIVE of any signs of Covid. Thank GOD! I could go home the next day.

Day 9 (February 6)

The resort helped me book my flight back home and get a shuttle to the air port- I landed in Chicago and could NOT wait to get back home. I arrived in MTC about 10 pm.


Things I have learned- nothing, besides I don't plan to travel ever again. Most of 2021 is a blur to me. I went a few months without driving, and I still have terrible night terrors. Therapy has helped, but dang it threw me into a tailspin as far as my mental health. The farthest I have been from home since this is to Chicago to pick up a friend at the airport. I have not been able to go to St. Louis to visit my family. I know I will be able to get back home from there, but the fear is still there.

So if you ever wonder where Beth has been over the last year and why I was not on social media, doing classes, or just a recluse, now ya know. I'm working on getting back to normal, but I still have a ways to go. Thank God Kelly has been there to help hold me up and take care of the business, the house, myself, Brianna and everything else.

Anyways, that's why I have been hiding from the world for the last year or so.

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